Hi, I’m Totti.

I’m a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist® (CSCS®), certified Personal Trainer by the NASM and NSCA, Exos Performance Specialist, CFSC certified, Human movement Specialist by Brookbush Institute and with a Bachleror’s Degree in physical activity and sport science.

I work with an extensive clientele, ranging from the luxury wellness sector to elite athletes and general population of all ages. My proven track record of success with each of these groups has established me as a trusted expert in the field.

Service quality is paramount. Our job as personal trainers, a part from having high qualifications, involves being flexible and accommodate last-minute schedule changes when necessary. We will place a great deal of emphasis on maximizing time efficiency during our sessions. This ensures that we make the most of our time together and achieve your goals as effectively as possible.

Discretion and confidentiality are crucial.

I have lived and worked in the USA (6 months), Kenya (5 years) and Spain.

Every person is unique, so the design of the training programs are catered to my client’s individual needs, with a progression over time, always adjusting whatever needs to be adjusted.

I have steadfast principles that apply to everyone:

Safety, Fun and Results.


  • One-on-one. Highly personalized. Every aspect of the session is tailored to the individual client's needs, goals, health history, and preferences.

    It maximizes individual attention.

  • Two individuals, usually friends, family members, or partners who train together

    Session cater the needs and goals of two individuals. While the session is still tailored, it must accommodate both participants’ fitness levels and preferences.

    Provides a balance of personalized attention and the motivational benefits of working out with a partner.

  • Max. 4 people. Less personalized than one-on-one or duo training. The trainer provides a group workout that aims to meet general fitness goals shared by the group.

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